Thanksgiving Luncheon Served at Erie City Mission

Oct 22, 2024

The women and staff of the Mercy Center for Women and Erie City Mission staff organized the second annual Thanksgiving luncheon held Sat., Nov. 20 at the Erie City Mission. 175 meals which included a turkey sandwich, potato salad, soup, desserts and a beverage were served. Each guest also received a blessing bag filled with personal care products and a gift card. Our thanks to the many generous donors of the Mercy Center who dropped off handmade items, desserts and gift cards for the event. Our community is truly fortunate to have social service organizations that collaborate and residents who support those we serve.

"The crowds asked him, 'What then should we do?' He answered, 'Whoever has two shirts must share with the one who has none, and whoever has food must do the same."
— Luke 3:10-11